Elevation Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab Prides Itself On Accessibility To Care


We accept most insurance plans, as well as have competitive rates for those who “self pay.” For “self pay” or out-of-network patients, you will be provided with a “Good Faith Estimate” of the cost of services you will be receiving over the course of your care.

Additionally, Elevation PT & Sports Rehab is a Direct Access clinic, meaning if your insurance allows OR you are self paying for services, you do NOT need a referral to get started working towards your goals!


The clinic has ample parking, is handicap accessible, and meets ADA requirements for ease of access to private treatment rooms and bathrooms.


Our clinic is set up with an open gym concept, however we have multiple sound proof private treatment rooms to allow for full privacy when appropriate. In addition to your physical privacy, we also have a strict Privacy Policy protecting your medical information.

*Please call your insurance company to confirm that we are an in-network provider, or to see if you need a referral to initiate PT services.

*At this time we are not accepting Medicaid Plans.